Crane Electronics

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Crane Electronics

Crane Electronics

Crane Electronics are used in all industries. Our Production Specialist at CNS has worked with Crane Tooling introducing it into production lines across the country using their torque tools and lineside controllers to ensure tightening accuracy and no overcheck. 

Crane Electronics are torque tool specialists with over 50 years’ experience. Crane provide flexible solutions torque wrenches, rotary and static torque transducers, data collectors, lineside controllers, torque testers, system software, joint simulators & test benches, load cells and displays & accessories. 

For more information call or visit CNS today

Crane torque tool
Crane torque wrenches
Crane torque testers
Contact Us

028 9185 7300

Open Mon-Thur 9-5 | Fri 9-3

CNS Tooling and Abrasives 
Everything we do is driven by tools